Collage for 'Not the Same Man'
A collage for my short post 'Smiler with a Gun' story.
Two Collages for my latest story 'A New Direction'
Same pictures in each, just different format
Alberta Easter Bunny by Craig Baird
Reminds of a certain cute gunslinger-lol.
Bushwhack Recap
I just love the opening scene. Kid just a ranting away and Heyes just a watching waiting for him to wind down. My husband does this LOL....
An Outlaw Tale: Major Reward, Minor Wound
A short tale inspired by this picture Riding like the wind out of Clinton, after robbing their bank of close on twenty thousand dollars,...
More than a drabble not quite a ficlet!
Heyes stomped in to their hotel room as Kid was sat cleaning his gun, slammed the door shut behind him, before waving a sheet of paper...
I have infected my friend KimL55 with drabbleitus!
She wrote this wonderful drabble to go with this pic. Isn't it good? There'd been another gunfight, and although the sheriff knew it had...
'Kid Curry in Prison' customisation courtesy of Neopets.
As mentioned in Ch3 of my 'Hannibal Heyes' Rules for Writing'....scary isn't it? LOL.
Midweek Recap: The McCreedy Bust G.G.G
Lol they've had a row- old married couple anyone? And Kid was right! (You noticing this Heyes?) Thirty men? Snorts invite the whole town!...
Recap Weekend: Twenty-One Days to Tenstrike
Aww the boys look weary and fed up. Aww Kid talking to his horse. Forty Three Cents (ouch.) Hmm hope the emergency isn't too desperate as...